Salon #39: Breaking Down Class in Theater

Class (noun) The system of ordering a society in which people are divided into sets based on perceived social or economic status.

Class is a major force in theater. Why do we consistently avoid this topic in our public forums and with our peers  -  how much money we are making for the work that we are doing?; our socioeconomic backgrounds; the access points and unconscious biases in arts education. Where does this stigma come from?

Join Wingspace for a discussion that confronts and unpacks this critical issue of  the variety of ways class impacts theater. From access, to training, to hiring, to artmaking. Our panel includes: Jennifer DiBella (Director of Education, Roundabout), Ty Jones (Artistic Director, Classical Theater of Harlem), Porsche McGovern (Lighting Designer), and David Mendizabal (Producing Artistic Leader, The Movement Theatre Company).

Monday, September 11th 7-9pm

The Old American Can Factory
232 3rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215