Salon #30: Green Model-Making Workshop


Wingspace Theatrical Design, the Broadway Green Alliance and XO Projects invite you to our next salon: Green Model-Making Workshop.

Interested in never purchasing another sheet of foam core again? Come join us for a hands-on workshop where you can experiment using simple everyday recycled materials to build your models. Most are packaging materials like U-haul, Amazon, pizza, office-supply & cereal boxes.

Learn new techniques for managing these substrates both for 1/4" and 1/2" models. Model samples, new LED model lighting and plenty of snacks, beverages and good music will be on hand for a delightful model-making evening. Tools, materials & drafting/textures will be provided but feel free to bring your own special tools and model project if you want.

The workshop will be led by Wingspace Members Donyale Werle and Edward Morris


Monday, July 11th 7-9pm


The Old American Can Factory

232 3rd Street Brooklyn, NY 11215