Virtual Salon #6: Paused Productions: The Rocky Horror Show


Join Wingspace for a conversation with Sam Pinkelton, Ani Taj, Ada Westfield, and David Reynoso, the creative team behind "The Rocky Horror Show", a reimagining of Richard swirling, sci-fi cult classic for San Francisco 2020, recently canceled (or is it postponed?) due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Set to premier at ACT this week at ACT San Francisco, the team intended to celebrate the legacy of late-night showings of the film and rich traditions of drag and gender fluidity and transgressive performance art. We’ll chat about the rigorous process of imagining, casting, devising, and then pausing this sweet production.

Thursday, May 14th, 7-9pm

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Meeting ID: 843 5257 8273
Password: 409770

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