Virtual Salon #8: Parent Designers in Conversation


Join Wingspace as designer parents discuss being designer parents. We’ll talk about parenting while in quarantine/lockdown/stay-at-home for the last few months, challenges getting pregnant, designing while expecting, designing with a newborn, a toddler, an elementary-aged child, more than one child. Hopefully, we’ll laugh a little while being honest and real about how hard (and how awesome) parenting and designing can be.

Valérie Therese Bart, Aaron Copp, Jenny Mannis, and Sherrice Mojgani in conversation. Facilitated by Porsche McGovern.

Thursday, May 28th, 8-10pm EDT
(Note: salon start times will be pushed back to 8pm starting this week)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 4013 7757
Password: 161466

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