Virtual Salon #10: The Future of the Art Department


Join Wingspace for a round table discussion about the changes we might see in Art Departments when Film and Television ramps back up in New York City and the surrounding regions. We will be discussing how social distancing can mean new ways of working and accelerate changes brought about by new technologies and remote work.

The salon will be moderated by Antje Ellerman and Luke Cantarella with guests Kristi Zea, Jordan Jacobs, Miguel Lopez-Castillo, Denny Moyes, Patrice Andrew Davidson, and Oliver Zeller.

Thursday, June 25th, 8-10pm EDT
Meeting ID: 816 2502 7533
Password: 994119

Wingspace has synced our Zoom account with Otter, a service that provides live transcription. To access this feature during the salon, please update your Zoom software to version 5.0 in advance.