Virtual Salon #12: Financial Wellness


Join Wingspace for a discussion with Amy Smith on financial literacy and well-being for freelance designers. Topics include financial health in the time of COVID; how “should” we be getting paid and paying our support teams; self-employment and entity types; moving away from scarcity models and setting up systems for long-term success and financial abundance."I envision a world where income and wealth inequality are solved, where anyone who wants to be an artist can be an artist, where young people are not burdened by staggering student loan debt, where we create robust collectives and cooperatives to support our lives and work” - Amy Smith

Thursday August 6th at 8pm EDT via Zoom and Facebook Live.

Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 852 9386 0668
Passcode: 281956

If you have any questions or topics you’d like covered, please email: