book & lyrics by: Jordan Allen-Dutton and Erik Weiner

music by: Hal Goldberg

Philadelphia Theatre Company

Philadelphia, PA

November 2013

direction: Casey Hushion

choreography: Joshua Bersasse

scenic: Lee Savage

costume: Thomas Legalley

lighting: Jason Lyons

projection: Daniel Brodie

sound: Nevin Steinberg

Philadelphia Inquirer review:


POSTED: Friday, December 6, 2013

Try to ignore this show's title, and the kind of frat-house-humor implications that come with it.

Visually hot and musically adept, the show that Philadelphia Theatre Company unveiled Wednesday about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates certainly concerns the geeky monomaniacs referred to in the title Nerds, but it has infinitely more class, insight, and wit than the pop-culture "nerd subgenre" of the 1980s.

With surgical precision (something like How to Succeed in Business meets Urinetown), Nerds portrays Silicon Valley's confluence of hippie socialism and rampant capitalism, nailing such underlying themes as the cost of dreams, the emptiness of revenge, and the itch that lies behind John D. Rockefeller's old saying that enough money is always "just a little bit more." Read More ⟩

Lee Savage