Virtual Salon #3: Self Care = Self Love


The Self Care = Self Love Workshop is an opportunity for you to intentionally engage in a deep self-assessment and create plan for your self care. (And spoiler, self care is actually self love.)

In this workshop, specifically holding space in the Wingspace community, we will go through eight different areas of self care and what that may mean to you, which include: psychological/mental, physical, sexual, emotional/relationships, workplace, spiritual, homelife and financial self care. We will be calling in truth, sourcing solutions, and sharing community healing during our crisis and quarantine. We will be naming different ways in which you can personally address each area and which ones will be right for you. You will leave this workshop with a personalized plan for your own self care.

This online workshop will be available via Zoom video conferencing. Participants will need a stable internet connection and device to connect via video and sound in addition to a blank sheet of paper and writing utensil. See you soon!

Thursday, April 16th 7:00-9:00pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 993 4065 5736
Password: 858657