Who should apply?

As an organization dedicated to addressing inequities in the field, one of our top priorities is furthering the careers of  women, persons of color, LQBTQ+ people and individuals with disabilities.

Unlike many programs, we are not looking for the most accomplished applicants. We are looking for candidates who have the talent and drive to be successful but need help overcoming barriers to that success. Those barriers might include discrimination, a lack of formal training, geographical changes or shifting from being a technician to being a designer.

Our strongest candidates tend to be in the first few years of their professional careers. Candidates with no professional experience are often not able to take full advantage of the mentorship while applicants with firmly established professional careers may have moved beyond what the program can offer.

Application GUIDELINES

Please see the Application Guidelines for instructions on filling out the application.

Application Schedule

Online applications for the 2020-2021 Wingspace Professional Mentorship Program are now closed.  Applications for the 2021-2022 Mentorship Program will be available here beginning February 1st, 2021.